Optimize & Maintain Your Health
Begin your journey to better health and longevity today. At Everest Health Partners, we provide the expertise and tools to help you look and feel younger. Schedule your consultation today!
Optimally, we will serve as your Primary Care Provider. This will ensure that in all aspects of your health, the goal of longevity, risk prevention, and optimized function are at the heart of your care.
We are, however, team players and are happy to grow our family of collaborating peers. Most clients will have specialist physicians and nonphysician caregivers that we work with according to the desire of our client, sharing notes, consulting on medication regimen, and providing professional consultations on multidisciplinary care. While we feel that our clients get the most from us when we provide primary as well as healthspan specific care, working with your PCP is a unique opportunity to provide education to the PCP in longevity medicine and improving health outcomes.
Additionally, we are available via telemedicine on a consultatory basis and are happy to work with your Primary Care and Specialist teams across the United States and internationally.
We do not accept insurance at this time. The current state of the insurance world limits a practitioner’s freedom to provide excellent care. We are happy to assist you by providing the codes that are most successful to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement, but there is no guarantee of coverage. Many clients make use of their health savings accounts for services.
Initial 60 minute appointment conducted via Zoom. This is an opportunity to discuss your health history, your current health status, and goals we want to accomplish in depth. A lab order is provided at this time along with additional recommendations that will help you jump start your approach to healthy lifestyle changes. No shows or cancellations less than 48 hours are subject to a $50 appointment fee. Contact us at info@everest.bio or call (866) 383-7888 to schedule.
Everest Health will tailor a regimen to your needs, providing 24-hour access to a medical professional who will curate all services and interface with outside providers on your behalf.
** Limited spots available. Inquire for pricing and details at (866) 383-7888 or bespoke@everest.bio.**Our lifespan is the quantity of life we have, regardless of quality. Similarly, longevity means simply to have a long life. We certainly want more years of life, but that's not all we desire. Who wants to live to be 300 or even 100, if we are bed-ridden, dependent on others, chronically ill, and miserable?
Our healthspan is the quantity of healthy years we live. It's not enough to live a long time; we need to improve our health and maintain it so as to have more quality time, more healthy and productive years of life.
At Everest Health, our primary objective is to increase our clients’ healthspan: their healthy years. Our secondary goal, once this can be achieved, is to increase the quantity of total years (lifespan) and optimize health (attain more than “generally good health”). Each of these goals work hand-in-hand to improve our current quality of life and the chances of us living longer and healthier.
Have you read our team description and think that you would be a good fit? Do you have a business opportunity, are a provider, a practice who would like to collaborate, or are looking to join the Longevity movement?
Feel free to reach out at partnerships@everest.bio!
Begin your journey to better health and longevity today. At Everest Health Partners, we provide the expertise and tools to help you look and feel younger. Schedule your consultation today!